Genre is the classification of different types of media. For example, in music it would describe the difference between classical and rap, or in film it would describe the difference between a sci-fi, comedy or drama.
The are many way conventions which distinguish the different genres in films, for example the characteristics in the story line, the location, the period it is set in, or props, or musical score.
A good example of genre being established very early in a film can be seen in Star Wars where the opening scene shows a spaceship and the audience immediately know it is a sci-fi.
Fig #1
The iconic opening scene from star wars
Conventions and Iconography.
Genre conventions and Iconography are aspects or characteristics of a film (or visual material) that can be collected in to sets to describe Genre. Here are some examples of Genre Conventions:-
Horror = dark, jump scare, blood/gore, scary story, low pitched sounds, tension.
Action = fast, loud, car chase, weapons/fighting, tense, hero, epic music.
Comedy = funny, slap-stick, costume, piano.
Drama = mystery, intrigue, detective, argument, suspense, string music.
Western = cowboys, horses, guns, fighting, duel.
Documentary = facts, information, interview, reality.