7 Oct 2016


A ZOOM is where the focal length of the camera lens changes. For example, it changes from a Wide Angle to a Close-Up and gives the impression that someone is moving closer to the object.  A special zoom lens is needed to perform a zooming shot.

Fig #1
An example of different frames
 gradually zooming in of a surfer

Zooming differs from the Tracking Shot because when zooming, the camera does not actually move.

1 comment:

    This is a very positive start to the blogging process Joe. You are clearly engaging with the content of the course and have an obvious passion for moving image.
    You are presenting your blog in a sophisticated style: I liked the way you presented the analysis of The Matrix (I also liked how you talked about rules being there to be broken, as you're correct!
    Try to familiarise yourself with other presentational tools and web based apps as you move forward.
    Also, continue to use your own examples rather than finding other peoples; this is much more effective and engaging
