I asked my actors, playing the parts of Jones & Davy, to wear light weight protective suits to indicate to the viewers that they were doing something illegal in the woods and didn't want to leave any evidence behind!
They also wore large black boots which in my opinion make the characters seem more powerful? It is also believable footwear for people to be wearing whilst trekking through the woods.
I persuaded my younger brother Ben, who is playing the part of the victim (Body-Bag), to get inside a duvet cover, and I tied him inside using elastic ties. I made sure to keep asking him if he was OK in there!
Fig #1
Left: MAT CONROY (playing Davy)
Left: MAT CONROY (playing Davy)
Right: JAKE GOODING (playing Jones)
Floor: BEN WRIGHT (playing Body-Bag / Tony)
Middle: ME (Director)
Floor: BEN WRIGHT (playing Body-Bag / Tony)
Middle: ME (Director)