17 Feb 2017

Risk Assessment:

Media – Risk Assessment – Joe Wright

Here is a risk assessment I have done before making my film.  This is useful to make me think about anything which might be a risk, and to think about what I can do to prevent them from happening.

Person who may be harmed
Property which may be damaged
Risk controls already in place
Risk Assessment (LOW, MODERATE, HIGH and EXTREME)
Next action required to control risk
Falling branch
Actors and director
Camera, lens and  personal equipment (phones )
Look for a safe location in the forest with minimal chance of falling branches.
Wear helmets when not shooting and put equipment in  protective box
Trip over forest obstacles 
Actors and director
Equipment that is being transported may be dameged if the person trips over
Look for a safe location in the forest with a clear floor
Wear protective footwear  and put equipment in  protective box for transport
Dog poo / mud / dirty hands / litter could lead to  Infections, cuts etc
Actors and director
Equipment could get dirty
Ensure hand cleaning before lunch and at end of session
Provide wet wipes and water
Other forest users eg vehicles, mountain bikes, horses, dogs this could lead to  Collision with pedestrians, Encounters with dogs
Actors and directors plus other forest users
Camera, lens and  personal equipment (phones )
Look for a quite area away from pathways
Put up signs around the location

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