22 Jan 2017

The Location for My Film

I have explored my local area to find a suitable location for my film's setting.  I have decided to film in a wooded/forrest area near Yaxley in Peterborough.

The things I had to think about when choosing my location:
  1. Distance from home - My location had to be close to my home and have a car park so I could get my equipment and cast dropped off.
  2. Out of the way of other people - To make sure I do not have anyone or anything interrupting my film making, I wanted to film in a remote location.
  3. Open - I also wanted enough space to allow my actors to perform, and let sunlight through so that my set will be well lit.

Fig #1
 This is the location where I am planing to make my film.

Fig #2 
This is a screenshot from a test video I took of myself from 
inside the forrest. as you can see there will be sufficient light 
for the shots I need. 

Fig #3 
Forrest Location.  I'm very pleased with this location and 
think it will be the perfect setting for my film.

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