16 Jan 2017

Cast, Props and Equipment for My Film

Using the Screenplay and Script I have made a list of all of the Cast, Props and Equipment I think I will need in order to make my film...

  • Character #1 "Davy" - a mean gangster
  • Character #2 "Jones" - another gangster - more likeable?
  • Character #3 "Body-Bag" - the victim - never actually seen
I have asked my friends Mat and Jake to play the parts of Davy and Jones.  My brother has agreed to play the victim in the the Body-Bag.

PROPS (in oder of Appearance):
  • 2x Polythene Suits (to be worn by the gangsters)
  • 1x Shovel (to be carried by Davy to dig a grave)
  • 1x Body Bag (for victim - might use a duvet cover?)
  • 1x Handgun (to be used by Davy - might use a toy gun?)
  • 2x Mobile Phones (one for Jones, one for victim)
  • Cameras - (Canon 600D and GoPro) 
  • Various Lenses
  • Tripod
  • Jib (for Establishing Shot)
  • Sound Recording Device
  • Microphone
  • Boom Poll
  • Laptop (For checking footage)
  • Bags and cases - To protect the equipment

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