26 Feb 2017

Conditions on the day of Filming:

On Saturday 25th February I shot all the footage for my opening sequence. 

I had arranged the date in advance with my actors and was therefore hoping that the weather conditions on the day of filming would be OK.

I checked the weather forecast each day leading up to the day of filming.  The forecast said that it might be raining in the afternoon, which gave me a small window in the morning to get all the shots iI would need. 

Storm 'Doris' had knocked down lots of the trees in the forrest which made it harder to reach our location, but I had anticipated this happening, and so before we left I packaged all of our filming equipment into bags which would be easier for us to carry.

I started filming at 9:30am, and we finished at 12:30 (3 hours of work).

It started raining at 1pm so we were very luck to avoid getting wet, and getting the equipment wet!

Fig #1

Fig #2

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