22 Jan 2017

The Location for My Film

I have explored my local area to find a suitable location for my film's setting.  I have decided to film in a wooded/forrest area near Yaxley in Peterborough.

The things I had to think about when choosing my location:
  1. Distance from home - My location had to be close to my home and have a car park so I could get my equipment and cast dropped off.
  2. Out of the way of other people - To make sure I do not have anyone or anything interrupting my film making, I wanted to film in a remote location.
  3. Open - I also wanted enough space to allow my actors to perform, and let sunlight through so that my set will be well lit.

Fig #1
 This is the location where I am planing to make my film.

Fig #2 
This is a screenshot from a test video I took of myself from 
inside the forrest. as you can see there will be sufficient light 
for the shots I need. 

Fig #3 
Forrest Location.  I'm very pleased with this location and 
think it will be the perfect setting for my film.

Film Color Grading (Day for Night)

For my Media Film I need the location to look like it was shot at night time (or at dawn).

However, I realise that actually making a film at night will be very difficult.  Firstly it will be hard to see what my actors and I am doing in the dark but also, digital cameras find it very difficult to capture clear video at night as they require a lot of light.

I have therefore decided to shoot my film during the day (starting at 10am to be more precise) p I will then try to add filters to my footage in order to give the impression that the film was set at night - a techniques called 'Day for Night'.

I have researched into this technique and I think I can do it. I know that I will need to desaturate the colour (making it more black and white) and add more contrast to the image and lower the brightness as there is very little colour at night time.  I will also add colour to the film using a blue filter which is often associated with moonlight.

Here are the the results of some experimentation with this technique:

Fig #1 
This is a example of a mid-close-up shot.
Here I have applied a blue tint to the image which is 
the first step to making the shot appear like it was taken at night.

Fig #2 
This is a example of a mid-shot.
After I finished step one, I then add contrast and lower the overall brightness of the image 
which gives it the night time look I want to see in my film.

Fig #3
This is a example of a Establishing Shot.
The last step was to add fog over the lower part of the image for a more cinematic effect.  I have also added film boarders and a title to make it look more professional. 

16 Jan 2017

Cast, Props and Equipment for My Film

Using the Screenplay and Script I have made a list of all of the Cast, Props and Equipment I think I will need in order to make my film...

  • Character #1 "Davy" - a mean gangster
  • Character #2 "Jones" - another gangster - more likeable?
  • Character #3 "Body-Bag" - the victim - never actually seen
I have asked my friends Mat and Jake to play the parts of Davy and Jones.  My brother has agreed to play the victim in the the Body-Bag.

PROPS (in oder of Appearance):
  • 2x Polythene Suits (to be worn by the gangsters)
  • 1x Shovel (to be carried by Davy to dig a grave)
  • 1x Body Bag (for victim - might use a duvet cover?)
  • 1x Handgun (to be used by Davy - might use a toy gun?)
  • 2x Mobile Phones (one for Jones, one for victim)
  • Cameras - (Canon 600D and GoPro) 
  • Various Lenses
  • Tripod
  • Jib (for Establishing Shot)
  • Sound Recording Device
  • Microphone
  • Boom Poll
  • Laptop (For checking footage)
  • Bags and cases - To protect the equipment

13 Jan 2017

A Closer Look at My Storyboard

Below I have presented a closer look at my Storyboard for my film.

In Page 1 (above), we have an establishing shot, and our two main characters (Davy and Jones) are introduced.

In Page 2 (above), we have our Title superimposed, and our characters are discussing their situation.

In Page 3, our characters are in disagreement with each other.

In Page 4, they appear to have come to a resolution.

On the final page (Page 5, above), we present the ending - although the situation is not fully resolved.  The audience will be left thinking about what might happen next.

12 Jan 2017

The Storyboard for My Film

Below is the full Storyboard for my film.

Storyboards are very important in Film Making and are used extensively in the planning stages. They provide a visual representation of the film and are helpful to be able to think more deeply about how the film will look and flow when it is finished as well as how aspects of the filming process will actually be done (for example, the order the shorts will be taken when on location).

The Storyboard and Script together highlight any props and equipment that will be needed and will help me to stay organised in my own planning.

Fig #1
My Storyboard

1 Jan 2017

My Screenplay for My Film

Below is my Screenplay for my Media Project.  The script is loosely based upon a script I found online however I have changed many, many aspects to make the script my own:

My film will be called BURIED, and tells the story of two gangsters who are trying to get rid of a body in a forest...



A body lies buried under the ground 


Remind me again why I'm doing all the work here Davy?

You know the rules Jones, bosses orders. 



All is still other than the sound of two men trecking through the forrest. 
DAVY is walking in the front carrying a shovel, JONES follow behind making hard work of dragging a body wrapped in a bag.

SUPER: Buried

I'm just saying, why is it always me that has to do all the work.

Davy rolls his eyes and stops.  He surveys the scene and looks down to a shallow makeshift grave.

(to body bag)
OK son, this is your stop.

BODY-BAG, tied with rope, springs into view in between Davy and Jones.
Hmmph, hmph.

THWHACK. Davy sharply cracks Body-Bag around the head with the shovel. Body-Bag slumps to the side revealing Jones, grinning.

Who is this guy anyway? 

You know the rules Jones, we don't get to know who. 
It'll just be another ‘somebody-The-Boss-wants-gone’. 
Speaking of which...

Davy pulls a handgun on Jones.  Jones stops grinning and raises his hands.

Whoa. What's going on here Davy?

Sorry I forgot to mention, The Boss also wanted me to ask
you a few questions, and if I were you, I'd think very hard
about your answers or… you’re going in there with our 
friend here.

You’re not going to shoot me.

Body-Bag rises up again between them, only to be shot by Davy.

You wanna bet on that?

Wait, wait! Just, wait.  I've got money.

Aaah yes,  you have got money, the money that The Boss 
would like to have back now, if that's not too much trouble?

Wha? Think this through Davy, we.. we can split the money and…

Davy shoots down at Body-Bag, multiple times, then aims the gun squarely back at Jones.

Believe me Jones, you are next. Tell me where the money is.

Ok, Ok! Tony has the money.  He’s stashed it somewhere and,
only he knows where it is.  I, I can call him?

Jones slowly reaches in his jacket. Davy squints his eyes to take better aim then lowers the gun as Jones reveals only a mobile phone in his hand.

Davy nods.  Jones starts to dial.
Hurry up!

Jones has the phone to his ear as it rings.

A small rectangular square inside Body-Bag illuminates.

Jones closes his eyes, Davy grins, and Body-Bag chimes indifferently with the sound of the classic Nokia 3310 ringtone.