1 Mar 2017


I recorded lots of different takes of my actors doing the same scenes over and over so I made sure I had plenty of footage to work with.

I spent a lot of time editing my film.  

Editing involved going through all of the footage I had recorded and deciding which bits I liked and which bits I didn’t.  

I edited the footage to include a variety of different shots, including - Establishing Shots, Master Shots, Over the Shoulder Shots, Reverse Shots, Match On Action Shots, etc.

When there was a conversation happening between the two main characters (Davy and Jones), I made sure that the person who was speaking was seen in close up.  However, I also showed included some shots of the other person’s reaction to the person speaking.  I did this by cutting between the two actors just before, or just after they spoke (and not exactly as they were about to speak).

My favourite part to edit was the ending section when the phone was ringing. I really like the expressions on the actor’s faces at this point and it was making me laugh when I was deciding which parts of the footage I had taken to use.

Fig. #1
Master Shot of Conversation between Actors

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