30 Mar 2017

Evaluation Summary (use of ICT)

Evaluation Summary:

I have used the next 6 blog posts to fully evaluate my finished product and to answer the 7 evaluation questions, in doing so I have tried to make use of ICT in interesting ways as advised my teacher.

For example:

For Evaluation Question 1: (In what ways does my opening sequence use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real opening sequences?) I have made a YouTube video of me talking about the forms and conventions used in my opening sequence and have also contrasted these with some real examples in the video.

For Evaluation Question 2: (How does my opening sequence represent particular social groups?) I have included in depth character profiles including images and screenshots taken directly from my film.

For Evaluation Question 3: (What kind of media institution might distribute my media product and why?) I have researched several media institutions and have illustrated these with pictures and logos.

For Evaluation Questions 4 and 5: (Who would be the audience for my opening sequence, and how did I attract/address my audience?) I have evaluated data and presented these using statistical analysis and graphs.  I have also presented some feedback received through social media (Twitter).

For Evaluation Question 6:  (What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing my product?) I have mostly used text, but have also integrated hyperlinks to my research.  This blog post is very detailed and full if you include all of my information that is linked to elsewhere in my blog.

For Evaluation Question 7: (Looking back to my preliminary task, what do I feel I have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?) I have created a digital presentation using ‘Prezi’ which I have then  embedded in my blog using HTML code.


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