31 Mar 2017

Evaluation (7)

Evaluation Question 7:
Looking back to my preliminary task, what do I feel I have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Written Version

Our preliminary group task lasted only 32 seconds, and my final opening sequence product lasted for 3 minutes. The image below shows screenshots from both:-

I learnt a lot from the preliminary task as well as my own research, about camera angles and how they can change how the audience sees and understands what is happening on the screen.  Both tasks make use of dialogue between two people and I followed the 180 Degree Rule in both of them.

Looking back at my preliminary task I feel I have learnt a lot in the progression from it to the full product.  The preliminary task was put together very very quickly, and the full product took a lot of preparation, thinking, rehearsing and planning in advance of the shoot.  This is probably the most important thing I have learnt - good planning and organisation is needed to make a good film!  In the preliminary task I did not think very much about the location (as you can see in the image above, there are bags and clutter in the background which distract the audience where as in the final product I really thought about the location and the background is not distracting and the audience will focus on the actors and action only).

In terms of production, my preliminary task has some shaky camera work (as we were holding the camera), poor sound (as we were using the built in microphone), and the continuity of the editing is not very well done.  

I tried to fix all of these things in the final product (for example I always used a tripod, I used a separate audio recorder, and I spend a lot of time and care editing together all of the clips).

I also learnt a lot about colour grading in the final product and how to add interesting titles (there were no titles in my preliminary task and I think the colours are too bright).

I still do like my preliminary task because I think it is quite funny, but I know now that I would be able to remake it much, much better using the experience I have picked up by making my Final Product. 

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