1 Mar 2017


I needed to add some sound effects on to my film when I was editing it all together.

I look some sound effects from YouTube and others from a website called SoundDogs.  I also recorded some sound effects myself whilst we where filming in the forest.

I used the sound of a gun-shot (with a silencer) when the gun was fired at the body-bag (3 times), and I used the same sound, but with lots of reverb, at the very end of my film when Davy shoots Jones.

Reverb is an audio effect and was added to make the gun-shot sound like it was fired from a long way away in the large forest. I found the gun-shot sound on the website called SoundDogs.

I added another sound effect of a Nokia phone Ring Tone which I found on a YouTube video here: Click here.

I also recorded a sound of me hitting a tree with a spade whilst we were in the woods making the film because I wanted to use this sound effect for the moment when Davy hits the person in the body bag. One of my actors had this idea whilst we were filming and I am really pleased with how well this works.

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