31 Mar 2017

Evaluation (3)

Evaluation Question 3:
What kind of media institution might distribute my media product and why?

To distribute my film I would need the help of a Media Institution.  A media institution is a company that is responsible for production, marketing, distribution and regulation of media products.

For this evaluation question I'm only going the be focusing on distribution and not the other stages of getting a media product to the consumer.

To maximise profits it is vital to get a well known media institution to publicise and distribute a film.  Looking realistically at my product, which is a low budget, independent British film, it isn't on the same level as a multi million pound film made with a large and professional production crew and with A-List actors.  Despite this, I am very proud of my opening sequence and if I could chose any media distribution company, my ideal one would be UNIVERSAL PICTURES.

This is because Universal is one of the Hollywood Big-6 studios and for over a century has been known for its diverse range of Academy Award-winning films.  These include some films with similar genres to my film (Action/Thriller), such as:-

A more realistic and achievable way for me to distribute a media product like mine might be to enter it into lots of short film festivals and competitions and hopefully gain the attention of a smaller film distributer who specialises in independent low budget films.

I have already entered my opening sequence into the 2017 Media Mag Production Competition hosted by EMC (The English and Media Centre).

Maybe in time, and with more experience, I might be able attract a media institution like Film4:-

"Film4 is Channel 4 Television’s feature film division. Film4 develops and co-finances films and is known for working with the most distinctive and innovative talent in UK and international filmmaking, whether new or established"

Film4 are known for making and paying for British films to be made which are creative and interesting - they also have a National TV channel through which their films can be distributed. I chose to use Film4 as a credit in my opening sequence for this reason.

I might also try to attract a distribution company who operate online services (such as Netflix, iTunes or Amazon Instant Video) so that my work might be featured on their popular websites.

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