1 Mar 2017


Post-Production is the work you do on your film, after it has been shot and edited, it includes:

Colour Correction:

For the colour correction in my film, I desaturated the image a little bit to remove some of the colour, and added extra contract.  

I did this to make the film look more cinematic and to make it look like it was shot early in the morning when the sun would not be too bright.  

I think it also makes it look like it was shot on a cold day in the winter?

Vignette Effect:

In post production, I added a ‘Vignette’ effect over the whole film.  A vignette very slightly darkens the area around the edges of the frame, whilst leaving the centre area clear and bright.  It is used to draw the viewer’s attention to the centre, almost as if the viewer is looking at the film through a tunnel.

Wide Screen Bars:

The film was shot in wide screen (1920 x 1080) format at 29.97 frames per second.  

Black bars were added to the top and bottom of the screen to give a more cinematic feel, like you see in movies, which makes it look like it was shot in a super-wide screen format.

Fig. #1
Here is how my final film looked BEFORE Post Production

Fig. #2
Here is the same part of my final film AFTER Post Production

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